The Wall of Knowledge

The "Wall of Knowledge" project, which was fully developed by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, comes as part of the library's keenness to use modern technologies in documenting and disseminating Egyptian heritage in a simple and attractive way. The Wall of Knowledge consists of a printed panel that addresses one of the topics related to Egyptian heritage and an application that works on smartphones, through which digital information related to the panel's topic, can be displayed using Augmented Reality technology. The technology of Augmented Reality is characterized by the ability to display digital information integrated with the physical reality, unlike traditional technologies such as phone and computer screens that display digital information on separate flat screens from reality. This makes it an attractive and easy-to-use tool for raising awareness of Egyptian heritage.

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The Wall of Knowledge application offers several topics from Egyptian heritage, including:


Discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb

A panoramic photo taken of King Tutankhamun's tomb at the time of its discovery by Howard Carter in 1922. The application allows for the exploration of some of the contents of the tomb by interacting with 3D models of it.

Content is available in the English.

Mural of the Tomb of Rekhmi-Re

Graphic depiction of a part of the mural of the tomb of Rakhmi-Re (a minister in the reign of Thutmose III) located in Luxor, which showcases the stages of manufacturing for some crafts such as gold, carpentry, leather, and by using the application, all stages of gold manufacturing can be recognized, in addition to showcasing the scenes in true colors.

Content is available in Arabic and English.

The Papyrus of Ani, Book of the Dead

The part related to the scene of judgment in the afterlife from the Book of the Dead of Ani (a high-ranking official in ancient Egypt) can be recognized using the application, which can also translate the hieroglyphic texts and listen to them chanted in the ancient Egyptian language.

Content is available in Arabic and English.

The Papyrus of Yuya, Book of the Dead

The papyrus of Yuya, the father of Queen Tiye, the beloved wife of King Amenhotep III, who lived 3350 years ago, was discovered in 1905. The displayed papyrus in the Egyptian Museum is the longest displayed in Egypt, with a length of about 20 meters. Using the application, the intended meanings can be recognized from the beautiful colored scenes that illustrate the dangers that Yuya faces in the afterlife.

The content is available in Arabic and English.

The False Door of Ptah-Shepses

The false door of Ptah-Shepses is a large door of the high priests of Ptah in the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis, displayed at the British Museum (reaching a height of 3.66 meters). Using the interactive application, one can interact with the virtual door and obtain an immediate translation of the titles of Ptah-Shepses and his biographical inscriptions engraved on the door. The physical door is available in the British Museum and the application is in cooperation with them.

Content is available in English.

The Timeline of Egyptian Postage Stamps

A timeline that showcases some of the Egyptian postage stamps since the inception of the postal service in Egypt. The application provides more digital content related to the history of Egyptian postage stamps.

Content is available in Arabic.

Egyptian Plastic Art during the 20th Century

Some of the most important artistic works of Egyptian pioneers in the field of art during the 20th century. The application allows to display a brief biography of the artist and a part of their most important artistic works.

The content is available in Arabic, and French.

Journey of the Giraffe – Under development

This wall tells the story of the first giraffe that came to Europe as a gift from the the ruler of Egypt, Muhammad Ali Pasha to King of France, as a sign of the two nations' goodwill. The giraffe brought the breezes of the East from Africa to Paris, and it touched the French that it had an impact on their literature, art, and fashion, and it became a symbol of peace between nations. Through the app, you follow the giraffe throughout all phases of its journey, from the African forests through Egypt and its journey across the sea to Paris.

Content is available in Arabic.

Al-Hilali Epic (Al-Sirah al-Hilaliyyah) – Under development

This wall documents the biography of Hilalian lineage, which is considered one of the most brilliant folk epics in Arab history. The members of the Bani Hilal tribe were famous for their noble qualities of courage, generosity, and loyalty, and they were also known for their skill in horsemanship and fighting. This great biography was honored by being included in the UNESCO World Oral Heritage List in 2008, thanks to the efforts of CULTNAT of the Library of Alexandria.

Content is available in Arabic.